瀏覽量:618 發布時間:2020-10-08
寫作中表述自己觀點的時候,經常會說到 “......既有利也有弊”,我們最先想到的表達可能是“...have both advantages and disadvantages",在儲備不足的情況下,這不失是一個權宜之計,但你不可能總用這個表達來應對。除此之外,我們還可以怎么說?怎么說才更加地道、簡潔呢?今天給大家補充三個外刊中經常用到的表達。
一、double-edged sword
double-edged sword不用多講,是“雙刃劍”的意思,既然是“雙刃劍”,那必然是既有利也有弊了。這個表達五百年前就被各大英語培訓機構、四六級考研輔導書列為“寫作必備句式”了,雖然有點老,但在考試高壓環境下,也不失為一種下策。
2017年大型反腐電視劇《人民的名義》上映,《經濟學人》也趕來湊熱鬧,寫了一篇文章,分析了反腐電視劇對反腐斗爭的作用,題目就出現了double-edged sword,且看:
In China’s war on graft, television is a double-edged sword
The shale boom could prove a double-edged sword for America
The increase in tourism has been a double-edged sword for local residents.
二、a mixed blessing
這個表達有些人可能會感到陌生,但不難理解:blessing是“喜事”的意思,mixed blessing,混雜的喜事,有種“喜憂參半”的感覺。它的英文解釋是:something that has both advantages and disadvantages. 我們可以用 a mixed blessing 來替換 a double-edged sword,讓自己的表達再上一個臺階。
3月份,就在朝鮮半島劍拔弩張之際,朝鮮突然提出講和,引起外界議論紛紛。《經濟學人》寫了一篇文章,題目叫:How to read North Korea’s offer of talks(朝方提議舉行對話,這該如何解讀?),里面有這么一段話:
The cable, which was declassified and published last December by the National Security Archive at the George Washington University, offers a timely reminder that for American governments, it is always a mixed blessing when North Korea’s reclusive, murderous regime says that it wants to talk.
這句話有點長,成分比較多,我們把句子抖干凈后留下主干:The cable offers a timely reminder that for American governments, it is always a mixed blessing when North Korea’s regime says that it wants to talk.
a mixed blessing 喜憂參半,也就是既要積極引導局勢朝和平的方向發展,也要提防陷阱。
The AI boom in recent years proves to be a mixed blessing. On one hand, it has given a tremendous boost to social productivity, but on the other, it also increased the risks of labor disruption.
三、be a help and a hindrance to sth
help 和 hindrance,一個表示“幫助”,一個表示“抑制、阻礙”,這一對本是抽象名詞,但在前面加上冠詞a/an,就表示“具有某種特性、狀態、感情情緒的人或事”了。再舉幾個栗子:
surprise→a surprise 一件令人驚訝的事
enticement→an enticement 具有誘惑性的東西(比如,PUBG is an enticement.)
success→a success 一件成功的事
REGULATORS can be both a help and a hindrance to the medical industry.
NGOs can be both a help and a hindrance, reckons Mr Hassenfeld.
Video games can be both a help and a hindrance to study.
舉一反三,我們可以用”be more of a hindrance than a help to...”表示“弊大于利”,用”be more of a help than a hindrance to...”表示“利大于弊”,這兩個也是寫作中的高頻表達,我們不再舉例。
一、double-edged sword
double-edged sword不用多講,是“雙刃劍”的意思,既然是“雙刃劍”,那必然是既有利也有弊了。這個表達五百年前就被各大英語培訓機構、四六級考研輔導書列為“寫作必備句式”了,雖然有點老,但在考試高壓環境下,也不失為一種下策。
2017年大型反腐電視劇《人民的名義》上映,《經濟學人》也趕來湊熱鬧,寫了一篇文章,分析了反腐電視劇對反腐斗爭的作用,題目就出現了double-edged sword,且看:
In China’s war on graft, television is a double-edged sword
The shale boom could prove a double-edged sword for America
The increase in tourism has been a double-edged sword for local residents.
二、a mixed blessing
這個表達有些人可能會感到陌生,但不難理解:blessing是“喜事”的意思,mixed blessing,混雜的喜事,有種“喜憂參半”的感覺。它的英文解釋是:something that has both advantages and disadvantages. 我們可以用 a mixed blessing 來替換 a double-edged sword,讓自己的表達再上一個臺階。
3月份,就在朝鮮半島劍拔弩張之際,朝鮮突然提出講和,引起外界議論紛紛。《經濟學人》寫了一篇文章,題目叫:How to read North Korea’s offer of talks(朝方提議舉行對話,這該如何解讀?),里面有這么一段話:
The cable, which was declassified and published last December by the National Security Archive at the George Washington University, offers a timely reminder that for American governments, it is always a mixed blessing when North Korea’s reclusive, murderous regime says that it wants to talk.
這句話有點長,成分比較多,我們把句子抖干凈后留下主干:The cable offers a timely reminder that for American governments, it is always a mixed blessing when North Korea’s regime says that it wants to talk.
a mixed blessing 喜憂參半,也就是既要積極引導局勢朝和平的方向發展,也要提防陷阱。
The AI boom in recent years proves to be a mixed blessing. On one hand, it has given a tremendous boost to social productivity, but on the other, it also increased the risks of labor disruption.
三、be a help and a hindrance to sth
help 和 hindrance,一個表示“幫助”,一個表示“抑制、阻礙”,這一對本是抽象名詞,但在前面加上冠詞a/an,就表示“具有某種特性、狀態、感情情緒的人或事”了。再舉幾個栗子:
surprise→a surprise 一件令人驚訝的事
enticement→an enticement 具有誘惑性的東西(比如,PUBG is an enticement.)
success→a success 一件成功的事
REGULATORS can be both a help and a hindrance to the medical industry.
NGOs can be both a help and a hindrance, reckons Mr Hassenfeld.
Video games can be both a help and a hindrance to study.
舉一反三,我們可以用”be more of a hindrance than a help to...”表示“弊大于利”,用”be more of a help than a hindrance to...”表示“利大于弊”,這兩個也是寫作中的高頻表達,我們不再舉例。