瀏覽量:1541 發布時間:2020-05-25
1. 大愛無疆、守望相助。
We need to assist each other in a humanitarian spirit.
2. 做出最終裁定
make the final rulings
3. 著眼長遠、未雨綢繆。
We need to take the long view and prepare for a rainy day.
4. 征收73.6%反傾銷稅、6.9%反補貼稅,
levy anti-dumping and anti-subsidy duties on barley imports from Australia at the rate of 73.6% and 6.9%
5. 美國拿中國說事,在履行應向世衛組織承擔的國際義務問題上推卸責任、討價還價,是打錯了算盤、找錯了對象。
Picking on China while shirking and bargaining over its own international obligations to WHO, the US has obviously miscalculated the situation and made a mistargeted move.
6. “邦交國”
"diplomatic allies"
7. 事實再次證明“臺獨”沒有出路
This once again shows that seeking "Taiwan independence" is like walking into a blind alley.
8. 挾洋自重不可能撼動國際社會一個中國格局。
Thinking that relying on some external forces will improve their odds of breaking the universally-recognized one-China principle is just a pipe dream.
9. 昨天,習近平主席在第73屆世界衛生大會開幕式上致辭,從共同構建人類衛生健康共同體的高度,深刻闡述中國抗疫主張,提出一系列重要倡議和舉措,對于提振全球抗疫信心,推進國際抗疫合作,擘畫未來全球治理體系,具有十分重要的現實和深遠意義。
Yesterday President Xi Jinping delivered a speech via videolink at the opening ceremony of the 73rd World Health Assembly. Championing the vision of building a global community of health for all, President Xi expounded China's response to COVID-19 and put forward a series of important proposals and measures, demonstrating very practical and far-reaching significance in boosting global confidence, promoting international cooperation and outlining future global governance system.
10. “黑客帝國”
safe haven for hackers
11. 我們也敦促美方個別政客停止捕風捉影、倒打一耙抹黑中國的行為。
We also urge certain US politicians to stop fabricating groundless lies and blaming China for what they themselves have done.
We need to assist each other in a humanitarian spirit.
2. 做出最終裁定
make the final rulings
3. 著眼長遠、未雨綢繆。
We need to take the long view and prepare for a rainy day.
4. 征收73.6%反傾銷稅、6.9%反補貼稅,
levy anti-dumping and anti-subsidy duties on barley imports from Australia at the rate of 73.6% and 6.9%
5. 美國拿中國說事,在履行應向世衛組織承擔的國際義務問題上推卸責任、討價還價,是打錯了算盤、找錯了對象。
Picking on China while shirking and bargaining over its own international obligations to WHO, the US has obviously miscalculated the situation and made a mistargeted move.
6. “邦交國”
"diplomatic allies"
7. 事實再次證明“臺獨”沒有出路
This once again shows that seeking "Taiwan independence" is like walking into a blind alley.
8. 挾洋自重不可能撼動國際社會一個中國格局。
Thinking that relying on some external forces will improve their odds of breaking the universally-recognized one-China principle is just a pipe dream.
9. 昨天,習近平主席在第73屆世界衛生大會開幕式上致辭,從共同構建人類衛生健康共同體的高度,深刻闡述中國抗疫主張,提出一系列重要倡議和舉措,對于提振全球抗疫信心,推進國際抗疫合作,擘畫未來全球治理體系,具有十分重要的現實和深遠意義。
Yesterday President Xi Jinping delivered a speech via videolink at the opening ceremony of the 73rd World Health Assembly. Championing the vision of building a global community of health for all, President Xi expounded China's response to COVID-19 and put forward a series of important proposals and measures, demonstrating very practical and far-reaching significance in boosting global confidence, promoting international cooperation and outlining future global governance system.
10. “黑客帝國”
safe haven for hackers
11. 我們也敦促美方個別政客停止捕風捉影、倒打一耙抹黑中國的行為。
We also urge certain US politicians to stop fabricating groundless lies and blaming China for what they themselves have done.