瀏覽量:269 發布時間:2020-06-02
1. 中方為何參加共同提案國?
Why did China co-sponsor this resolution?
2. 世人的眼睛是雪亮的。
But the public is a fair judge.
3. 中方一貫反對美方實施單邊制裁和所謂“長臂管轄”。
China always stands against the US unilateral sanctions and the so-called long-arm jurisdiction.
4. 決議要求評估進程是逐步、公正、獨立和全面的,這四個詞十分重要,意味著評估不能被少數國家所壟斷。
The resolution asks for a stepwise process of impartial, independent and comprehensive evaluation. These four words - stepwise, impartial, independent and comprehensive - are very important as they indicate that the evaluation shall not be monopolized by a handful of countries.
5. 決議明確認可和支持世衛組織發揮關鍵領導作用,呼吁會員國防止歧視、污名化作法,打擊錯誤、虛假信息,在研發診斷工具、診療方法、藥物及疫苗、病毒動物源頭等領域加強合作,并適時對世衛組織應對疫情工作進行評估。
The resolution unequivocally affirms and supports WHO's leading role and calls on member states to prevent discrimination and stigmatization, combat misinformation and disinformation, strengthen cooperation on the research on diagnostics, therapeutics, medicines and vaccines, and the zoonotic source of the virus and evaluate the work of WHO at the appropriate moment.
6. 美方應致力于早日戰勝病毒,而不是向領導抗疫的國際組織發出“最后通牒”。
The US should commit itself to securing an early victory against the virus instead of issuing an "ultimatum" to the very international organization spearheading the global response.
7. 這些均符合中方立場主張,也是國際社會絕大多數國家的共同愿望。All these are in line with China's position and meet the shared aspiration of the overwhelming majority of the international community.
8. 近來,巴勒斯坦和以色列關系持續緊張,和平進程岌岌可危。
there have been continued tensions between Palestine and Israel with the peace process in jeopardy.
Why did China co-sponsor this resolution?
2. 世人的眼睛是雪亮的。
But the public is a fair judge.
3. 中方一貫反對美方實施單邊制裁和所謂“長臂管轄”。
China always stands against the US unilateral sanctions and the so-called long-arm jurisdiction.
4. 決議要求評估進程是逐步、公正、獨立和全面的,這四個詞十分重要,意味著評估不能被少數國家所壟斷。
The resolution asks for a stepwise process of impartial, independent and comprehensive evaluation. These four words - stepwise, impartial, independent and comprehensive - are very important as they indicate that the evaluation shall not be monopolized by a handful of countries.
5. 決議明確認可和支持世衛組織發揮關鍵領導作用,呼吁會員國防止歧視、污名化作法,打擊錯誤、虛假信息,在研發診斷工具、診療方法、藥物及疫苗、病毒動物源頭等領域加強合作,并適時對世衛組織應對疫情工作進行評估。
The resolution unequivocally affirms and supports WHO's leading role and calls on member states to prevent discrimination and stigmatization, combat misinformation and disinformation, strengthen cooperation on the research on diagnostics, therapeutics, medicines and vaccines, and the zoonotic source of the virus and evaluate the work of WHO at the appropriate moment.
6. 美方應致力于早日戰勝病毒,而不是向領導抗疫的國際組織發出“最后通牒”。
The US should commit itself to securing an early victory against the virus instead of issuing an "ultimatum" to the very international organization spearheading the global response.
7. 這些均符合中方立場主張,也是國際社會絕大多數國家的共同愿望。All these are in line with China's position and meet the shared aspiration of the overwhelming majority of the international community.
8. 近來,巴勒斯坦和以色列關系持續緊張,和平進程岌岌可危。
there have been continued tensions between Palestine and Israel with the peace process in jeopardy.