瀏覽量:411 發布時間:2020-07-01
Now it is threatening US-listed Chinese companies with investigations and Chinese overseas students with visa restrictions.
2. 這背后反映出的問題是值得人們深思和警惕的。
The reasons behind this are worth reflecting on and staying vigilant against.
3. (上述做法)必將進一步損害中美經貿關系和兩國關系的社會基礎。
These will further undercut China-US economic relations and the social foundation for the overall relationship.
4. 按閉環原則全程接受有效管理。
be effectively managed, forming a closed loop to ensure safety.
5. 美國政府正計劃以“暗盤”形式秘密出售駐港總領館館員公寓,條件是出售后維持現狀或由美方租回。
The US government plans to secretly call for bids for its consulate general staff quarters in Hong Kong on the condition that the properties, after being sold, will remain as they are or be leased to the US.
6. 開歷史倒車
Take a backward step
7. 《新削減進攻性戰略武器條約》作為美俄間僅存的重要雙邊核裁軍安排,延期問題備受國際社會關注。
The extension of the New START Treaty, the important and only existing bilateral arrangement between the US and Russia on nuclear disarmament, has grabbed the attention of the international community.
8. 美方的做法是最典型的“世界馳名雙重標準”。
This double-standard way of behaving is so typical of the US.
9. 一個時期以來,美方泛化國家安全概念,以莫須有的理由惡意打壓中國企業。
For some time, the US has been purposely oppressing Chinese companies for no good reasons other than a far-fetched excuse of national security.
10. 中美兩國誰無能、誰應對不力,還是讓數字說話吧。
Between China and the US, who is incompetent and guilty of inadequate response? Let the numbers speak for themselves.
11. 紀念衛國戰爭勝利75周年紅場閱兵式
the military parade in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of victory of the Great Patriotic War to be held on June 24 in Moscow's Red Square
12. 希望渺茫
there's little chance to
13. 針對中國搞“小圈子”不得人心,也不符合有關國家利益。
Seeking a clique targeting China is not a popular move, and it doesn't serve the interests of countries concerned.
14. 中方將繼續同東盟團結協作,加強“一帶一路”倡議與東盟發展規劃對接,提升經貿合作和公共衛生合作水平,深化地區經濟一體化,打造“健康絲綢之路”,為構建更為緊密的中國—東盟命運共同體注入新動力。
China will continue working with ASEAN to seek stronger complementarity between the Belt and Road Initiative and ASEAN development plans, expand cooperation in trade and public health, deepen regional economic integration, build a "silk road of health", and inject new impetus into a closer China-ASEAN community with a shared future.
Now it is threatening US-listed Chinese companies with investigations and Chinese overseas students with visa restrictions.
2. 這背后反映出的問題是值得人們深思和警惕的。
The reasons behind this are worth reflecting on and staying vigilant against.
3. (上述做法)必將進一步損害中美經貿關系和兩國關系的社會基礎。
These will further undercut China-US economic relations and the social foundation for the overall relationship.
4. 按閉環原則全程接受有效管理。
be effectively managed, forming a closed loop to ensure safety.
5. 美國政府正計劃以“暗盤”形式秘密出售駐港總領館館員公寓,條件是出售后維持現狀或由美方租回。
The US government plans to secretly call for bids for its consulate general staff quarters in Hong Kong on the condition that the properties, after being sold, will remain as they are or be leased to the US.
6. 開歷史倒車
Take a backward step
7. 《新削減進攻性戰略武器條約》作為美俄間僅存的重要雙邊核裁軍安排,延期問題備受國際社會關注。
The extension of the New START Treaty, the important and only existing bilateral arrangement between the US and Russia on nuclear disarmament, has grabbed the attention of the international community.
8. 美方的做法是最典型的“世界馳名雙重標準”。
This double-standard way of behaving is so typical of the US.
9. 一個時期以來,美方泛化國家安全概念,以莫須有的理由惡意打壓中國企業。
For some time, the US has been purposely oppressing Chinese companies for no good reasons other than a far-fetched excuse of national security.
10. 中美兩國誰無能、誰應對不力,還是讓數字說話吧。
Between China and the US, who is incompetent and guilty of inadequate response? Let the numbers speak for themselves.
11. 紀念衛國戰爭勝利75周年紅場閱兵式
the military parade in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of victory of the Great Patriotic War to be held on June 24 in Moscow's Red Square
12. 希望渺茫
there's little chance to
13. 針對中國搞“小圈子”不得人心,也不符合有關國家利益。
Seeking a clique targeting China is not a popular move, and it doesn't serve the interests of countries concerned.
14. 中方將繼續同東盟團結協作,加強“一帶一路”倡議與東盟發展規劃對接,提升經貿合作和公共衛生合作水平,深化地區經濟一體化,打造“健康絲綢之路”,為構建更為緊密的中國—東盟命運共同體注入新動力。
China will continue working with ASEAN to seek stronger complementarity between the Belt and Road Initiative and ASEAN development plans, expand cooperation in trade and public health, deepen regional economic integration, build a "silk road of health", and inject new impetus into a closer China-ASEAN community with a shared future.